About MAR
MAR works for you and we need your voice!
MAR works for you and we need your voice!
We are finding that in today’s world many retirees do not know where to turn for information. MAR’s purpose is to be a resource and represent the interests of Maine public service retirees. All the Board of Directors are MAR members who understand the issues facing retirees who are diligently working on your behalf. When you contact us, a real person answers the phone. We are here to assist you with:
- Questions about current and proposed public service Maine legislation
- Questions about your MainePERS pension
- Questions about your retiree health insurance
- Access to dental/vision insurance
- Answers to technology questions (free of charge)
- Resolving issues with State or Federal agencies
- Information about available programs and services for retirees in Maine
MAR advocates with our State Legislature and Senators and with our Congressional delegations for policies that will benefit you. MAR is an active participant at the State level in groups that focus on the income, health, employment, and housing needs of older Mainers. Our message is that public service retirees are a valuable resource, who still have much to offer society and still have and want a voice. MAR is here to make that happen.
MAR understands the challenge of rising out-of-pocket health care costs. The cost of inflation is increasing at a rate higher than we have seen in years.
MAR helps by offering:
- Advocacy for your needs
- Group dental/vision insurance
- Free technology services
- Retirement financial planning through various organizations
- Discounts at local business (by location)
- Free photocopies
- Free notary services
- Testifies, in person or by letter, on Legislation effecting our members.
The dues and contributions to Maine Association of Retirees are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code; please consult your tax accountant.
LD 1104 was passed in the Maine House of Representatives and the Maine Senate and placed on the Special Appropriations Table. On May 7, 2019, LD 1104 was passed to be enacted. Governor Mills held the bill for consideration. On January 1, 2020, LD 1104 became law without Governor Mills’…Read More
March 5, 2019, LD 1104 was introduced and referred to the Maine Legislative Committee on Labor and Housing. On April 1, 2019, a public hearing was held on LD 1104. Thirty-eight (38) people testified in favor of LD 1104, no one testified against or neither for nor against the bill.
January 2019-In response to the actions of the Maine Legislature, MAR continued to obtain sponsors for another bill to make the Cost-of-Living Adjustment to the Maine Public Service Retirement Pension for State and Teacher retirees is a sole contractual commitment. LD 1104: An Act To Clarify the State’s Commitment Concerning…Read More
On September 13, 2018, the Maine Senate adjourned sine die and LD 650 was placed in the Legislative Files (dead).
August 2, 2017 the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs voted to carry over LD 650 to the second session of the 128th Maine Legislature.
February 28, 2017, LD 650: An Act To Clarify and Protect Certain Public Service Retirement Benefits was introduced and referred to the Maine Legislature’s Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. On March 24, 2017, a public hearing on LD 650 was held. Thirty-two (32) people testified in favor of LD…Read More
January 2016-In response to the actions of the Maine Legislature, Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, MAR asked Senator David Woodsome to sponsor another bill with the same language as LD 518. Senator Woodsome sponsored LD 650 along with fifteen (15) co-sponsors. Co- sponsors were:
Senator Bellows-Kennebec |
Senator Collins-York |
Senator Davis-Piscataquis |
Senator Gratwick-Penobscot |
Senator Jackson-Aroostook |
Senator Libby-Androscoggin |
Representative Foley- Wells |
Representative Gerrish-Leban |
Representative Grant-Gardiner |
Representative Grohman-Biddeford |
Representative Harrington-Sanford |
Representative Mastracco-Sanford |
Representative McElwee-Caribou |
Representative Picchiotti-Fairfield |
Representative Simpson-Alfred |
One January 12, 2016, the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs voted ought not to pass, thereby killing the bill, LD 518
One June 19, 2015, the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs voted to carry over LD 518 to the second session of the 127th Maine Legislature.
January 2015- In response to the United States Court of Appeals decision, MAR worked with Senator David Woodsmen of York and Representative Rollin “Danny” Martin of Sinclair to sponsor a bill to “Clarify that the Cost-of-Living Adjustment to the Maine Public Service Retirement Pension for State and Teacher retirees was…Read More
January 2, 2014 –United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit agreed with the lower Court that there was “no Contractual Entitlement to Lifetime Cost-of-Living Increases in their Pension.”
The Maine Association of Retirees filed suit in the Federal District Court in Bangor challenging legislation that eliminated public pension cost of living adjustments for three (3) years and reduced those adjustments going forward. While there is not yet a final ruling (the case is on appeal), MAR is proud to…Read More
A small group of retirees established the Maine Association of Retirees, Inc. Their goal was an organization representing the unique interests of thousands of individuals who had spent their working lives as State, Education, Judicial, Legislative and Participating Local District employees in Maine. They knew from experience policy makers respond to…Read More