If there is a COLA increase, it is added to the September pension each year. The September pension is distributed near the end of the month.
Archives: FAQs
What is the impact on my pension and/or social security if I go to work?
If you are receiving Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) pension, going to work at a position not covered by MainePERS, there is no impact on your MainePERS pension.
If you are in receipt of Social Security retirement benefits, going to work may impact your Social Security retirement benefits. The federal Social Security Administration has an “official age of retirement” based on your birth date. If you receive Social Security retirement benefits prior to reaching your “official age of retirement” according to the Social Security Administration, your earnings can impact your Social Security retirement benefits.
The first step when deciding if you want to return to work, you need to ask the Social Security Administration your personal “official age of retirement.” The Social Security Administration can provide you the amount you can earn before your Social Security retirement benefit is impacted.
Once you reach your “official age of retirement,” there is NO offset to your Social Security retirement benefit due to earnings.
If you return to public service covered by MainePERS, the state law has changed. There was a state law that limited state retirees and educators’ wages and benefits if they returned to employment covered by MainePERS. Those limitations have been removed. The one limit is employment time after retirement will not be added to your MainePERS calculation for pension purposes.
Who do I need to contact to provide demographic changes (phone, address, name change)?
You can contact Maine Association of Retirees (MAR) at 207-582-1960, or email mar@maineretirees.org or mail 280 Maine Avenue, Farmingdale, Maine 04344 to change demographic information.
Other organizations you may want to contact are:
- Social Security Administration
- Veteran’s Administration
- Maine Department of Motor Vehicle
- Local Town Office
- Maine Public Employees Retirement System
- Credit card companies
- Banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions
- Mortgage companies and Lenders
- Stockbrokers
- Utility companies
- Insurance companies
- Medical Coverage
When a MAR member passes, can the surviving spouse continue MAR membership?
Yes. Anyone who receives a Maine Public Employee Retirement System (MainePERS) pension may be a member of MAR. If your spouse was a member of MAR and you receive a MainePERS pension on your own or are a beneficiary of the spouse’s MainePERS pension, you can be a member of MAR.
Upon a person’s demise, notification of death is needed to whom?
Upon someone’s death, depending on the individual circumstances, multiple organizations and agencies may need to be contacted. Each organization may need a copy of the person’s death certificate. A general checklist is:
Government Agencies
- Social Security Administration www.ssa.gov/planners/survivors/howtoapply.html#h1
- Veteran’s Administration www.va.gov
- Defense Finance and Accounting Services www.dfas.mil/
- Office of Personnel Management www.opm.gov
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services www.uscis.gov
- Maine Department of Motor Vehicle www.maine.gov/sos/bmv/
- Local Town Office
Financial Institutions
- Maine Public Employees Retirement System www.mainepers.org
- Credit Card companies
- Banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions
- Mortgage companies and Lenders
- Stockbrokers
Insurance and Annity Companies
- Life insurers and Annuity companies
- Health, medical and dental insurers
- Automotive insurers
- Home insurers
Where do I find out information about Veterans benefits?
There are many different types of Veterans’ benefits from employment, finances, housing to memorialization. To access benefits, different eligibility factors are considered such as service history, medical need, income level.
In order to determine the benefits you may be eligible for due to your military service gathering your DD 214, your military history with the branch of service you participate in, and any medical information related to your military service will be helpful.
In Maine, the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, Bureau of Veterans Affairs is a place to start. You can contact the Bureau at 207-430-6035 or on-line at https://www.maine.gov/dvem/. or download the Welcome-kit at: https://www.va.gov/welcome-kit/.
Below are other on-line information sites:
What are the benefits of having a will?
A will protects your interests after you are gone. If you want to make sure a certain person gets a special item, leave money to a favorite charity, or you want to have your close friend instead of a relative to receive most of your money or property, make a will.
If you do not have a will, state law will determine where your things go. A will can prevent family and others from fighting about your property in court.
What if I or my spouse need nursing home care and we don’t have Long Term Care Insurance?
Neither Medicare or your retiree insurance will pay for nursing home care. MaineCare (Medicaid) may pay for nursing home care if a person meets MaineCare’s financial eligibility requirements and other eligibility conditions.
For additional information on MaineCare nursing home requirements, contact:
Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS)
Department of Health & Human Services
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: (207) 287-9200
Website: www.maine.gov/dhhs/oads/
How does Medicare coordinate with Companion Plan coverage?
According to Medicare rules, retiree insurance pays secondary to Medicare. This means that Medicare pays first for your health care, and then your retiree coverage pays for some or all of the costs that Medicare did not cover. The secondary payer only pays if there are costs the primary insurer didn’t cover.
How do I calculate when it is most beneficial to take Social Security?
There is NO best age for everyone to take Social Security. The most financially beneficial age to draw Social Security benefits is based on individual and family circumstances.
Most individuals (if they have worked under Social Security for 40 quarters with substantial earnings) can start receiving Social Security benefits at age 62. However, your full benefit is dependent on your year of birth. Your full retirement age can be found on https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/learn.html#h3.
Drawing Social Security benefits prior to reaching your full retirement age will result in a reduction of benefits, however you will be drawing the benefit for a longer period of time. If you delay drawing Social Security to after your full retirement age, the benefit level will be larger however you will be drawing the benefit for less years.
Individuals can meet with their local Social Security Office to obtain specific information on their situation.
Individuals need to evaluate the following issues:
- Current cash needs
- Current health
- Family longevity
- Plan to work or not in retirement
- Future financial needs
- Future financial obligations
In addition to the impact on the amount of Social Security benefits, most individuals are required to enroll in Medicare at age 65. If you are receiving Social Security benefit, under federal law, your Medicare Part B premium cannot increase more than the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment. However, if you are not in receipt of Social Security Benefits, there is no protection for the potential increase in Medicare Part B premium.